17 Aug By Naima Dortch
As I spent my last night in Honduras due to YICAP's 2024 CARES program, I am thinking about my most memorable moments. Whether it be us bonding over the good food, random funny moments, gaining knowledge about the ocean and its coral reefs and applying the new information we learned by doing our surveys once we do our dives for the day. But most importantly, what impacted me the most was our final dive in Roatan. This dive wasn't only special because of the location but also the impact we made on the environment. On our last two dives we cleaned coral trees while collecting data and finally outplanted many corals. After completing these dives the only thing I could think about was the benefits it would create for the coral reefs I'm Roatan.
Finally, while on the plane ride back home I think about what made the experience more unique than ever, the people. The staff I met on Guanaja Island we're beyond welcoming and kind, my peers from Guanaja were fun to be around, good divers and friendly and I am more excited to meet them soon again. Thank you YICAP.

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