

The loss of our coral ecosystem is an existential threat to life on this planet.

DWP CARES is a citizen science-based initiative that teaches recreational divers the importance of the delicately balanced ecosystem that is the coral reefs and the effect of human impact on that ecosystem.  We train participants to identify and document the indicators of a healthy coral reef through reef monitoring.  Our participants are conducting surveys of reef fish, invertebrates and substrates over 5 years to assess the change in the ecosystem over time.

The world’s oceans are responsible for cooling the planet and generating more than 75% of the world’s oxygen production.  The oceans house coral reef ecosystems that represent less than 1% of the ocean floor.  The coral reef ecosystem is a delicately balanced ecosystem that encompasses reef fish, invertebrates and corals.   It houses 25% of all fish species; it provides nurseries for fish to grow, and houses hard corals that provide coastal protection from storm surge.

Thanks to Samuel L. Jackson, the Atlanta Falcons, The National Geographic Society, The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation and AMB Sports & Entertainment, without whose support this effort would have been a lot more difficult.  Thanks also to NOAA National Marine Sanctuary and Brenda Altmeier for providing the space and guidance to make this project successful.  Most importantly, thank you to the public for engaging in the hard work to document and save our oceans.