07 Aug If Only I Could Plant Coral Every Single Day…
by Harrison Dutton

Planting corals is by far my favorite part of the entire Youth Diving with a Purpose (YDWP) program. Actually, I don’t think there is a single part of the coral restoration Foundation work that I dislike – even a little. Everything from cleaning algae off the trees to outcropping feels extremely rewarding. While cleaning the trees is nowhere close to as impactful as actually going out and planting the coral, it is still a crucial process of restoration that allows me to not only view the nursery but keep the currently growing corals safe from their natural competitors (algae, fire coral, etc.).

Initially, I planned to plant three corals by the end of the training week. But my dive buddy and I ended up planting at least five by the end of the dive. My favorite part about the outcropping is watching the many different species of fish come in to investigate the planting site and move into the new corals only moments after they’ve been planted. It is an incredible sight that only a few people will get to witness, and I’m so thankful I was given the chance to see it.
Drew Dutton
Posted at 15:11h, 11 AugustHarrison is an excellent writer… very clearly written and concise