
Experts often say that the first step to solving a problem is recognizing that the problem exists in the first place.. As citizen scientists, it is our responsibility to see the changes happening on the ocean floor.  So in our work, we conduct benthic characterizations, which means we collect tangible data to document those changes.  We know that there are stark differences in the condition of coral reef ecosystems where humans have been present and where they have been absent.  As a result, we focus our efforts on looking at the distinctions between areas of high and low human impact on the reef ecosystem.

A single survey of the reef shows the condition of the reef as a snapshot in time. Therefore, our monitoring efforts measure the change in the area on a quarterly basis over a five (5) year period of collecting data on reef fish, reef invertebrates and the ocean substrate. We enlist and train a cadre of recreational scuba divers and dive professionals as citizen scientists to help collect data and aid us in saving this environment, which provides the world with necesary food and oxygen.

Here are a few abbreviations we use to talk about the ocean and its reefs:

  • HC = Hard Coral
  • SC = Soft Coral
  • NIA = Nutrient Indicator Algae
  • SP = Sponge
  • SD = Sand
  • SI = Silt
  • RB = Rubble
  • RC = Rock
  • RKC = Recently Killed Coral
  • OT = Other